In a tragic incident, a 78-year-old woman died while her son was seriously injured after a fire broke out at their house in Mansarovar Garden area near Kirti Nagar in west Delhi in the early hours of Tuesday, police said. Additional deputy commissioner of police Akshat Kaushal said the Kirti Nagar police station received a call around 1am regarding a …
The BJP leader also targeted the SP and its leader Akhilesh Yadav, calling them supporters of Pakistan and ‘worshippers of Jinnah’ Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday took a swipe at the Samajwadi Party, saying the previous government built a Haj House, while a Mansarovar Bhawan was constructed in Ghaziabad under the BJP’s rule. In a series …
The Kailash Mansarovar Yatra and border trade between India and China through the Nathu La pass will not take place this year due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Sikkim Tourism Minister B.S. The border trade through Nathu La pass was scheduled to begin in May while the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through the route was slated to commence in June. The Nathula …
Forty-four people from Telangana have been left stranded since the last four days near the Nepali town of Hilsa after a travel agency they were registered with abandoned them while returning from their pilgrimage to Kailash Mansarovar. Kathmandu: Forty-four people from Telangana have been left stranded since the last four days near the Nepali town of Hilsa, located in the …