Residents of Venice say the abrupt reduction in the number of tourists coming to the city because of the coronavirus lockdown is seeing a positive impact, with the famous canals cleaner than they have been for years. Key points: A spokesperson of Venice's Mayor's office said the water was clearer due to less traffic on the canal Residents have observed …
受到恶劣天气影响,意大利的“水城”威尼斯遭遇了五十年来的最大洪水,圣马可大教堂等著名景点被淹,游客和居民不得不涉水甚至“游泳”行进。威尼斯市长称,这都是气候变化惹的祸。 People walk in a flooded street during a period of seasonal high water in Venice Venice, Italy, November 17, 2019. “现在政府必须听一听我们的声音,”他补充道,“这是气候变化造成的影响……代价将是惨重的。” A flooded church is seen during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, Italy, November 17, 2019. 市长说,这座著名的地标“损毁严重”。地下室完全被淹没了,人们担心洪水对廊柱大厅的柱子造成结构性损坏。 A man pumps water from a shop at the flooded St. Mark's Square, as high tide reaches peak, in …