Manuj Kathuria, the SUV driver detained in connection with the deaths of three IAS aspirants within the basement of a coaching center in Old Rajender Nagar in Delhi, was released on bail on Thursday, 1st August. This comes after the Delhi Police informed the court on Thursday that they decided to swap the SUV driver’s more serious allegation of culpable …
Delhi coaching centre deaths: Tis Hazari Court on Thursday granted bail to Force Gurkha driver Manuj Kathuria. Culpable homicide charge dropped against SUV driver The development comes hours after the Delhi Police told the court that they have decided to drop the harsher charge of culpable homicide not amounting to murder against the SUV driver in the coaching centre death …
The Opposition sharply criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government on Tuesday after a train accident in Jharkhand resulted in two deaths and left about 20 people injured. My heart goes out to the bereaved families, condolences to the next of kin.” Dig deeper Howrah-Mumbai passenger train derailed near the town of Barabamboo in Jharkhand state, India, Tuesday, July 30, …