On the heels of the killing of three alleged Maoists, Kerala Police on Tuesday gunned down a fourth extremist, according to official sources, even as the Congress party and the CPI criticised the killings, with a former judge also demanding a judicial probe into the incidents. A Thunderbolt team of the Kerala Police on Monday eliminated three alleged Maoists, including …
By Chandrakant Naidu Jagdalpur, Sep 19 Sukma, the hub of Maoist activity in Bastar division, is back in the news with the reported convergence of a large number of Naxalites during the past fortnight. The BJP has nominated Ojasvi Mandavi, the widow Bhima Mandavi whose death in a Maoist attack on April 9 has caused the Dantewada by-election. The BJP …
Son of a former Maoist preacher joins the Congress party after meeting Rahul Gandhi. The Maoist ideologue and balladeer popularly named “Gaddar” is reportedly welcoming into the Congress after a meeting with party president in New Delhi. The 42 year old son of Gaddar named GV Surya Kiran joined the Congress after a meeting with party president in New Delhi. …