Maragatham is a popular Tamil film that was released in 1959 in theatres. The film is an adaptation of the novel Karunkuyil Kunrathu Kolai by TSD Sami and stars Sivaji Ganesan, Padmini and TS Balaiah in lead roles. On August 21, 2023, the Tamil film completed 64 years of its release. Even though Maragatham was an adaptation of the novel …
Maragatham Ramaswamy, a musician and a long-time teacher, has compiled select songs by 24 different composers, precisely notating each one. In the book Athishaya Vara Prasadini, released recently by Ramapriya Arts Foundation, Maragatham Ramaswamy has chosen 50 compositions by various composers — from Purandaradasa and the Trinity to contemporary composers such as Thanjavur Shankara Iyer, ‘Spencer’ R. Venugopal and N.S. …
Chennai: Despite being situated about 72 km from the state headquarters, Kancheepuram, home to scores of temples, has its own cup of woes. DMK's G. Selvam who had unsuccessfully contested against AIADMK's Magaratham Kumaravel in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, has locked horns with the sitting MP, hoping to win this time riding on the anti incumbency wave. Though there …