The Hindu celebrates the talent of youngsters this Margazhi, in a web series. In the December Music Season, a young crop of artistes will get a chance to showcase their talent online. Mridangam artiste Pranavkrishna Ramasubramanian is a 12th grader at Millard North High School, Omaha Nebraska. Hailing from a musically inclined family, the 17-year-old took a leaning towards his …
The Hindu celebrates the talent of youngsters this Margazhi, in a web series. Violinist M. Shrikanth and Kanjira artiste K. R. Sivaramakrishna are friends and they perform together at many concerts. Shrikanth is currently a disciple of Akkarai Sisters, Subhalakshmi and Sornalatha.He started learning music at the age of seven and had his initial training under vidwans Lalitha and Nandini …
Carnatic vocalist Sunil R. Gargyan has been learning music since he was just three. This year he has received the Yuva Kalabharathi from Bharat Kalachar and Isai Chemmal award from Trinity Arts Festival of India. He has also been conferred the Isai Chudar by Karthik Fine Arts in their December Music Season in 2018 and ‘Best Male Vocalist’ by The …