Lothal, Union minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Saturday said the ₹4,300-crore National Maritime Heritage Complex being developed at Lothal in Gujarat is a project of national importance and will be a crucial step towards making India a leading maritime nation. The release said this world-class facility will showcase India's maritime heritage from ancient to modern times, adopting an innovative "edutainment" approach …
Qingdao is expected to receive over 140 million tourists throughout the year, with tourism revenue surpassing 210 billion yuan. In the first three quarters of this year, the added value of the cultural and tourism industry in Qingdao reached 126.05 billion yuan, with a growth rate of 7.4 percent, exceeding the city's GDP growth rate by 1.8 percentage points. The …
New Delhi: The ministry of ports, shipping, and waterways has announced a ₹45,000 crore investment to develop river cruise tourism, aiming to leverage India's inland waterways for economic growth. The plan includes expanding river cruise tourism from eight to 26 waterways and increasing cruise circuits with night stays from 17 to 80. To enhance inland waterways for cargo trade, a …