Actor Vikrant Massey, known for films such as 12th Fail, Haseen Dillruba and The Sabarmati Report, has announced retirement. “But as I move forward, I realise it’s time to recalibrate and go back home, as a husband, father, a son and also as an actor.” The actor, who recently headlined The Sabarmati Report, based on the 2002 Godhra train burning …
Vikrant Massey announced his retirement from acting on Sunday. While sharing the announcement on Instagram, Vikrant Massey thanked everyone for the support and said that he wanted to recalibrate as a “husband, father, son, and as an actor.” He called his upcoming movie, Zero se Restart, his last meeting with the audience. Social media reaction to Vikrant Massey's retirement Vikrant …
Vikrant Massey took the entertainment industry by storm when he announced his retirement from acting on Monday. It is significant to note that a star kid will be making her debut with Vikrant Massey's last film. Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan is Vikrant's last film Sanjay Kapoor's daughter Shanaya Kapoor is now ready to make her acting debut with 12th Fail fame …