A 16-year-old teenager was allegedly raped in an ambulance in the Mauganj district of Madhya Pradesh, police said on Friday. According to Rewa Division, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Saket Prakash Pandey, “A 16-year-old girl was raped in an ambulance in the Mauganj district on November 22. The ambulance sped away and one of the individuals, reportedly the accomplice of …
Mauganj, a tehsil of Rewa district, will be the 53rd district of Madhya Pradesh, announced chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday. Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan During a programme in Rewa, CM Chouhan said, “Mauganj will become the 53rd district of MP. Residents of Mauganj were raising the demand for a separate district for a long time …