Famous Malayalam actor Meghanathan passed away at the age of 60 due to complications from a lung-related illness. Malayalam actor Meghanathan dies The actor was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Kozhikode, where he breathed his last. Meghanathan, a prominent figure in the Malayalam film industry, was born in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, as the third child of iconic actor Balan …
Malayalam actor Meghanathan passed away early Thursday at the age of 60. The veteran actor, son of late actor Balan K Nair, was suffering from a lung-related ailment and was undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Kozhikode, when he succumbed to his respiratory illness, according to Manorama online. Soon after the confirmation of Meghanathan's death, several celebrities in the …
Noted Malayalam actor Meghanathan died of lung-related illness on Thursday, November 21. He was born as the third child to popular Malayalam actor Balan K Nair and wife Sarada Nair. In his career spanning over three decades, the actor had more than 50 Malayalam films to his credit. Some of his best films include Panchagni, Chamayam, Bhoomigeetham, Chenkol, Rajadhani, Prayikkara …