Karnataka BJP chief BY Vijayendra alleged that the Siddaramaiah-led Congress government is not taking the Haveri gang rape incident seriously. He said that the incident happened on January 7, and all the accused have not been arrested yet by the Karnataka police. ‘Govt trying to hide facts’: Karnataka BJP chief on Haveri alleged gangrape case Speaking to reporters on Monday, …
The Uttar Pradesh Police on Friday formed a special investigation team constituting seven members to probe the rape and murder of two Dalit sisters aged 15 and 17 in Lakhimpur Kheri district. The bodies of the sisters were found hung from a tree on Wednesday night, and a post-mortem report later revealed that they were raped and died due to …
India is among the few countries of the world that have had a female president as well as a prime minister elected by the people. There’s a persistent, palpable undercurrent to the notion that success in business is harder for women than men. It’s all about prioritizing—you give up certain things in life to make space for others—so yes, women …