The Supreme Court, in a judgment delivered on Wednesday, explained the method to determine the compensation for use and occupation of the tenancy premises by a tenant who suffered an eviction decree.From the date of the decree of eviction, the tenant is liable to pay mesne profits or compensation for use and occupation of the premises at the same rate …
A person doing something with full knowledge of its adverse consequences must face the consequences. These aforesaid provisions read as under:- "Section 2 "mesne profits" of property means those profits which the person in wrongful possession of such property actually received or might with ordinary diligence have received therefrom, together with interest on such profits, but shall not include profits …
Dismissing the appeal of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., the Delhi High Court held that an unrebutted oral evidence of a landlord in support of his claim for mesne profits at a certain rate was sufficient evidence in terms of Order XX Rule 12 of CPC. Three broad contentions of the Appellant were: The Respondent did not lead any evidence in …