The Stanley Reservoir in Mettur in Salem, Tamil Nadu, attained its capacity of 120 feet for the second time this year on Monday. The Mettur dam previously attained its capacity on July 30 as heavy rains lashed its catchment areas. The water level was maintained for the next 10 days, during which the inflow into the dam was discharged into …
Water released in the Cauvery from the Stanley Reservoir in Mettur reached the Upper Anicut on the outskirts of Tiruchi on Tuesday. Tiruchi District Collector M. Pradeep Kumar has urged people living along the banks of the Cauvery and the Kollidam to move to safe places as about 75,000 to 1.25 lakh cusecs of surplus water could be discharged from …
Welcoming the announcement of a special kuruvai package this year too, Delta region farmers have sought the timely implementation of this scheme. Pointing out that government orders in connection with the ₹61 crore special package scheme for kuruvai cultivation last season were issued immediately after the announcement was made by Chief Minister, M.K.Stalin in mid-June last year, the Delta farmers …
The water level at the Mettur dam reached its capacity of 120 feet for the third time this year, and the inflow into the dam was completely discharged on Thursday. According to Water Resources Department officials, following good monsoon rains in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, the Stanley Reservoir in Mettur received adequate water, and the water level at the dam …
THANJAVUR: With June 12, the traditional date of opening of Mettur dam for Kuruvai cultivation fast approaching, farmers of the Cauvery delta districts are keeping their fingers crossed over whether they can take up ‘Kuruvai’ crop this year or not. Tamil Nadu government should spell out clearly whether there will be Kuruvai this year or not,” Kakkarai Sukumar, Vice-President of …