The MGR Nagar police have arrested a couple in connection with the murder of a 70-year-old woman in MGR Nagar in the city. The police identified the victim as Vijaya of Sivamurthy Street in MGR Nagar. After Vijaya went missing on July 17, her daughter Loganayagi looked for her at several places and ultimately lodged a complaint with the MGR …
A 25-year-old man died hours after being interrogated by police personnel of the MGR Nagar police station, in connection with a theft case. When the police were investigating a burglary case reported on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, under the MGR Nagar police limits, they found CCTV images showing Sridhar at the scene of occurrence. Later, he came to the police …
A Tamil Nadu policeman has been assaulted by a Swiggy delivery boy in Chennai after a verbal clash turned into a melee between the two. The 54-year-old man, George Peter, hailing from MGR Nagar has been positioned as a writer at the Kodambakkam police station in Chennai. The delivery man was said to have hit the cop George Peter in …