Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi on Wednesday launched its new Android One smartphone Mi A3 in India which comes with with 48MP triple rear camera and 32MP selfie camera. "With the launch of Mi A3, we are excited to offer our Mi Fans yet another Android One phone with a number of incredible features," Raghu Reddy, Head of Categories and Online …
New Delhi, Aug 21 Chinese smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi on Wednesday launched its new Android One smartphone Mi A3 in India which comes with with 48MP triple rear camera and 32MP selfie camera. "With the launch of Mi A3, we are excited to offer our Mi Fans yet another Android One phone with a number of incredible features," Raghu Reddy, Head …
After a long wait, Xiaomi Mi A3 launches in India today. Besides the software the Mi A3 also comes with great features like Gorilla Glass 5 protection on both front and backside of the phone. The primary 48MP camera uses Sony IMX586 sensor Front camera: On the front the Xiaomi Mi A3 includes a 32MP camera. Xiaomi Mi A3 special …
Xiaomi has been silent for a long time as far as its Mi A series is concerned. Yes the Mi A3 isn't launched in India yet but it will come to the country like Mi A2 and Mi A1 hit the country last year and the year before. The Xiaomi Mi A3 looks better than the Mi A2 and also …
Xiaomi may be busy preparing itself for launching its 2019 flagships Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro in the Indian market. The leaked schematics reveal an Android One branding on the device and triple rear camera setup. While the document doesn't reveal any other specifications of the phone, it is evident that Xiaomi will be adapting the Mi CC9e into …