After making a solid debut as the lead heroine in the 2015 Malayalam film Oru Vadakkan Selfie, Manjima Mohan won the hearts of Tamil audiences the following year by starring opposite Simbu in filmmaker Gautham Menon’s super-hit romance drama Achcham Yenbathu Madamaiyada. While she didn’t have a release in 2018, Manjima has lined up a bevy of interesting projects this …
Michael is the supreme commander of the celestial army, the great prince who will arise at a time of distress. Haneef Adeni’s avenging angel has zero bravura and charm, all his swag emerging out of plush props and top-angle shots, booming BGM and Bible quotes. Mikhael Director: Haneef Adeni Starring: Nivin Pauly, Unni Mukundan, J.D.Chakravarthy, Manjima Mohan Storyline: When his …