The Bombay High Court on Thursday told Hindutva leader Milind Ekbote, associated with the Samast Hindu Aghadi, that building a Haj house is a "secular activity, not religious". The court told Ekbote, "You must differentiate between indulgence of the state in religious activity and secular activity. Ekbote's lawyer, Kapil Rathod, told the court that there had been a "change in …
The Pune police "took away" research papers and evidence that revealed right-wing extremist leaders Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote instigated and initiated the riots at Bhima Koregaon in Pune, on January 1, 2018, an anti-caste activist alleged before an inquiry panel, on Wednesday. "Pursuant to the FIR, Police Officers from Swargate Police Station, conducted a raid on my office at …
Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing leaders Milind Ekbote and Sambhaji Bhide, an official said Pune: Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing …
The alleged incident took place at a temple premises in Zendewadi locality of Saswad area of Pune around 10.30 pm on Tuesday when Milind Ekbote, who is an accused in the Koregaon-Bhima violence case, went there to attend a programme. Pune: Right-wing activist Milind Ekbote has lodged a police complaint alleging that he and his supporters were beaten up by …