The Pune police "took away" research papers and evidence that revealed right-wing extremist leaders Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote instigated and initiated the riots at Bhima Koregaon in Pune, on January 1, 2018, an anti-caste activist alleged before an inquiry panel, on Wednesday. "Pursuant to the FIR, Police Officers from Swargate Police Station, conducted a raid on my office at …
Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing leaders Milind Ekbote and Sambhaji Bhide, an official said Pune: Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing …
The alleged incident took place at a temple premises in Zendewadi locality of Saswad area of Pune around 10.30 pm on Tuesday when Milind Ekbote, who is an accused in the Koregaon-Bhima violence case, went there to attend a programme. Pune: Right-wing activist Milind Ekbote has lodged a police complaint alleging that he and his supporters were beaten up by …