A case of ‘Love Jihad’ has come to light from East Champaran, Bihar where the modus operandi resembles with that highlighted in the ‘The Kerala Story’ movie. Notably, on Saturday, the Sashastra Seema Bal arrested a married man named Sameer Alam who was accompanied by a minor Hindu girl who hails from the Dalit community. Sameer Alam was escorting the …
A video has surfaced on social media wherein a female doctor is seen abusing and shouting at a journalist and misbehaving with the police personnel and the family members of a Dalit minor rape victim. The doctor in the video has been identified as Dr Asma Begum, who reportedly works in Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Women’s Hospital, Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh. …
On August 1, a nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped, murdered and forcibly cremated by a priest and three employees of a crematorium in Delhi’s Purana Nangal area. On August 1, a nine-year-old Dalit girl was allegedly raped, murdered and forcibly cremated by a priest and three employees of a crematorium in Delhi’s Purana Nangal area. On the basis of Census …
A minor Dalit girl was allegedly raped by five men in Vittal in Karnataka. The girl got pregnant after being raped multiple times. According to the victim, her cousin Ganesh took her to Subrahmanya and booked a lodge for two days in December last year where he raped her. ALSO WATCH| Jaipur minor rape: CCTV footage shows abduction of 7-year-old …