The Jal Shakti Ministry’s National Mission for Clean Ganga cleared eight projects worth ₹638 crore on Tuesday. This clean-up comprises four projects, worth ₹407.39 crore, approved for pollution abatement in Shamli district, Uttar Pradesh. The four projects in Shamli district are: the construction of a 5 million litres per day sewage treatment plant, 5 KLD septage co-treatment facility, interception & …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate six mega projects in Uttarakhand under the ‘Namami Gange Mission’ on Tuesday through a videoconference. The Prime Minister’s Office said on Monday that the projects include construction of a 68 MLD sewage treatment plant, upgradation of the existing 27 MLD STP at Jagjeetpur in Haridwar and construction of an 18 MLD STP at Sarai …