PM Modi in Uttar Pradesh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh today. During the programme in Bulandshahr, Prime Minister dedicated to nation the 173 km long double line electrified section between New Khurja-New Rewari on Dedicated Freight Corridor by flagging off goods trains from the two stations through video conferencing. Other projects inauguration: Prime Minister also dedicated …
The Jal Shakti Ministry’s National Mission for Clean Ganga cleared eight projects worth ₹638 crore on Tuesday. This clean-up comprises four projects, worth ₹407.39 crore, approved for pollution abatement in Shamli district, Uttar Pradesh. The four projects in Shamli district are: the construction of a 5 million litres per day sewage treatment plant, 5 KLD septage co-treatment facility, interception & …