Mobile operating system providers such as Google and Apple will now have to ensure that the disaster alerts sent by the government every year are automatically read out in at least four Indian languages, besides Hindi and English. Emergency alert system obligations on mobile OS providers as well The move is in accordance with the new amendment notified by the …
Story so far: While Android and iOS are two of the most well known mobile operating systems, a new Indian contender in the sector is BharOS. BharOS would offer Native Over The Air updates, meaning that security updates and bug fixes will be automatically installed rather than users having to check for updates and implementing them on their own, confirmed …
Covid has brought radical change in our life. To understand the changes, challenges and possible security measures, Hindustan Times spoke to Dr Sanjay Katkar, the co-founder, joint MD and CTO of Quick Heal Technologies. This version is designed to be smart, secure, and sustainable echoing company’s goal towards environment conservation and to make ‘cyber safety a fundamental right for all’, …
When we think of the battle between mobile operating systems today, we pretty much see two giants – Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. According to data by research firm Statista, Android penetration among smartphones in India was at merely 10 percent in 2012 but in 2019, roughly 90 percent handsets in the country run Google’s mobile OS. Similarly, the first …