The India Meteorological Department has forecast a delay in the arrival of the monsoon over Kerala while Skymet, a private weather forecaster, expects it to arrive earlier. Below-normal summer temperatures in north India and prevailing rainfall from Western Disturbances will delay the monsoon’s further progress to Kerala. That means, were the monsoon to arrive on June 1, it would still …
Hyderabad: Farmers in the state are unsure whether they should take up the sowing of seeds or not, with the monsoon yielding deficit rainfall so far. Nationwide data suggested that the area sown under kharif crops was down by 27 per cent at 234.33 lakh hectare amid deficient monsoon rainfall last month. According to the data released by the agriculture …
Konkona Sensharma says she isn’t sad over lack of good offers as she feels fortunate to work with some of the best people in the business In her close to 15-years-long career, Konkona Sensharma has mostly featured in projects which have pushed the envelope but the actor says there are still a very few people who are ready to back …
Rains and romance have enjoyed a relationship like no other. It almost says the storm within her has completely drenched her.” Gazal confesses it was surreal to have Konkona on board because that transported her to the climax of Ayan Mukerji’s 2009 film Wake Up Sid. Another interesting choice of the setting for the ‘monsoon date’ is a coffee shop. …