Recently, a controversial motivational programme conducted by an actor-turned-motivational speaker in Tamil Nadu stirred emotions among students, leading to viral videos capturing their tearful reactions on social media. It has become a trend for educational institutions to invite PMSs to address students during events like orientation day, freshers’ day, and annual day. The delivery of motivational talks by PMSs has …
In Delhi's Indira Gandhi Stadium, the country's largest "Entrepreneurs Launchpad" program was organized. Avadh Ojha had previously been featured in Dr. Vivek Bindra's "The Bada Bharat Show," where he shared many aspects of his personal and professional life. During Dr. Vivek Bindra's "Entrepreneur's Launchpad" program, Avadh Ojha sir came and talked about the struggles he faced in his personal life …
Prafull Billore, famously known as 'MBA Chai Wala', gained widespread popularity following the circulation of his motivational tale. The MBA drop-out chose to establish a tea stall outside IIM Ahmedabad in 2017, and he has since expanded his enterprise to several food outlets across the country under the name 'MBA Chai Wala.' Take a look at MBA Chai Wala's new …
Successful people don’t become that way overnight. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time. Here are 20 motivational quotes which keep you going everyday Read on to find the words of wisdom that will motivate you in building your business, leading your …