Appealing to the officials to expedite all the development works without delay, Sivaganga Lok Sabha MP Karti P. Chidambaram said that the benefits should reach the needy people on time here on Monday. He was presiding over the DISHA meeting in the presence of Sivaganga District Collector Asha Ajith and other elected representatives, senior officials from various departments at the …
Former Union Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar was on July 31 sworn in as the 12th Governor of Jharkhand. Mr. Gangwar expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Central Government for his appointment as the Governor of Jharkhand, and said he was delighted to be in the land of tribal icon Birsa Munda. Mr. Gangwar, an eight-time BJP MP from …
Bharatiya Janata Party is seeking a floor test in Madhya Pradesh on Monday. As per reports, a BJP delegation led by former Chief Minister of the state, Shivraj Chauhan, has submitted a letter to Governor Lalji Tandon seeking a floor test on Monday, March 16. The development in the state comes after Gwalior royalty Jyotiraditya Scindia quit Congress along to …