The Manipur police have now registered two First Information Reports over the killings of two Kuki-Zo village volunteers on Saturday, following which their bodies were allegedly mutilated, as per videos circulating on social media. A police source said Zero FIRs were registered at the Kangpokpi police station on Sunday. The complaints over the incident accused members of Arambai Tenggol for …
Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s remarks in Parliament about Kuki immigrants from Myanmar contributing to tensions building in Manipur, drew sharp reactions from Kuki groups — both in India and in Myanmar — on Thursday. The Manipur Tribals’ Forum, Delhi, called Mr. Shah’s remarks a “disheartening blow” and the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum called it “plain wrong” to blame “helpless …
The Supreme Court on June 20 termed the Manipur ethnic violence, which has left nearly 100 dead, a “purely law and order issue”, while “hoping” that courts will not be asked to deploy the Army or Central security forces. The Bench indicated that its intervention, one way or the other, now may tend to “aggravate” the situation in the State, …
The Manipur Tribals’ Forum, Delhi has called for the Union government to investigate the alleged role of the Chief Minister N. Biren Singh and BJP Rajya Sabha MP Leishemba Sanajaoba in fuelling the violent ethnic clashes that erupted in Manipur on May 3 between the dominant Meitei community and the Kuki-Zomi community. Polarisation politics The outfit alleged that the violence …