The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday failed to retain Kasba Peth Assembly seat in Maharashtra’s Pune against the Congress. For the Maha Vikas Aghadi, the victory of Congress nominee Ravindra Dhangekar over BJP’s Hemant Rasane in Kasba Peth by a margin of over 10,915 votes has sent a message that it can win against the BJP-Shiv Sena if they stuck …
The Kasba Peth and Pimpri-Chinchwad assembly bypolls will be the big test for Maharashtra’s Eknath Shinde-Devendra Fadnavis government and a prestige issue for the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi. Traditionally both these seats have been with the BJP but the flash elections had to be called due to the deaths of MLAs Mukta Tilak of Kasba Peth and Laxman Jagtap of …
The Nationalist Congress Party on Tuesday said Nana Kate will be its candidate for the upcoming bypoll to Chinchwad Assembly seat in Pune district. The byelections to Pune’s Chinchwad and Kasba Peth constituencies, scheduled for February 26, have been necessitated due to the death of sitting Bharatiya Janata Party MLAs Laxman Jagtap and Mukta Tilak. Maharashtra NCP chief Jayant Patil …
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed his condolences to families of those who lost their lives due to the wall collapse in Pune on Saturday. Pune: Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed his condolences to families of those who lost their lives due to the wall collapse in Pune on Saturday and order an in-depth inquiry into the incident. “Extremely …