Here's what comfort food looks like in 26 countries around the world 食物不只让我们保持身体健康,还让我们心情愉悦。英国的炸鱼薯条、美国的烤芝士三明治、希腊的慕萨卡、法国的洋葱汤……每个国家都有让人舒适的美味食物。来看看世界各国值得一尝的爽心美食。 Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash FRANCE: French onion soup 法国:法式洋葱汤 French onion soup is winter comfort food as it should be: rich, warm, and blanketed under a generous portion of creamy cheese. 加拿大民间国菜“普丁”源自蒙特利尔,有时也用非正式的绰号“加拿大沙拉”来称呼。这道经典美食是淋着奶酪凝乳和肉汁的脆脆的金黄薯条。 curd: n. 凝乳;凝乳状物 内幕网截图 MEXICO: Chilaquiles 墨西哥:汁拉贵司 Chilaquiles — which translates to "in …