Actor Shraddha Arya reportedly infuriated Bollywood actor and judge Raveena Tandon on Nach Baliye 9 sets after complaining that the judges’ banter disturbed her concentration. Nach Baliye 9: Shraddha Arya and Alam perform on Pardesiya. A Times of India report claimed that after performing on Pardesiya alongside her partner Alam Makkar, Shraddha complained that filmmaker Ahmed Khan and Raveena were …
Actor Shraddha Arya will be seen exchanging rings with her partner Alam Makkar on an upcoming episode of dance reality show, Nach Baliye 9. This weekend, the show makers invited an astrologer as a guest and the astrologer, Janardhan Pandit, predicted that Shraddha and Alam will get married in two years. Shraddha Arya and Alam Makkar exchange rings on Nach …
Actress Shraddha Arya suffered an injury during the performance this week with Makka in Nach Baliye 9, which she says was a ’nerve-wracking experience'. Actress Shraddha Arya suffered an injury while performing with her beau Alam Makka on Nach Baliye 9. A dance step required Alam to hold Shraddha upside down, but Alam’s grip slipped momentarily, and the actress hit …
Nach Baliye 9 is all set to premiere next weekend and Anita Hassanandani and Rohit Reddy are among the participants. Anita, during her conversation with media at the launch of Nach Baliye 9, said she was offered the show many times before, but she couldn't say yes to it because of other commitments. Nach Baliye 9 pre-launch episode last night …