Popular dance-based reality show for couples, Nach Baliye 9, keeps ruling the headlines for various reasons. After contestants getting hurt on the sets and Madhurima-Vishal slap controversy, the show is again grabbing eyeballs for a big fight between host Maniesh Paul and judge Ahmed Khan. According to the Spotboye report, the host screamed, “Pehle mera kaam khatam karo or else …
Ex-couple Vishal Aditya Singh and Madhurima Tuli have been at loggerheads ever since Nach Baliye 9 began, and now another incident has taken place which could jeopardise their participation in the show. According to sources, Vishal and Madhurima got into a huge fight last recently, after which they refused to meet each other for rehearsals throughout the week. Exes Madhurima …
It seems Nach Baliye 9 is more in news for its controversies than for the performances on stage. In the latest, wildcard contestants and exes Vishal Aditya Singh and Madhurima Tuli faced the umbrage of judge Ahmed Khan after they forgot the dance steps. Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh performs during Nach Baliye 9. Pinkvilla quoted a source as …
Nach Baliye 9 hasn’t proved to be a peaceful ride for the ex couples participating on the show. Adding to the growing number of controversies, Natasha Stankovic walked out soon after her performance with ex-boyfriend Aly Goni, as special guest Sunny Deol looked on. Natasha Stankovic and Aly Goni during their performance on Nach Baliye 9. Natasha had dressed up …