TV actor couple, Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary, emerged winners of the dance reality show Nach Baliye 9. Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary won Nach Baliye 9 on Sunday. Speaking to Mumbai Mirror, he said: “I don’t think any show will approach me now.” Yuvika joined in to add how for outsiders, these reality shows were a great way to …
Ace wrestler Babita Phogat and her husband Vivek Suhag's dedication and hard work has been applauded and appreciated by one and all. But, the latest buzz has it that Babita Phogat and Vivek Suhag will be getting evicted from the show this weekend. Bigg Boss couple Rochelle Rao and Keith Sequeira were the first jodi to be eliminated from the …
People go crazy hearing that their favorite show is making its way back on the television just like Nach Baliye Season 9. Actors Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh will intrigue their fans coming together on the show as they are ex-flames in real life. Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh from Chandrakanta to be first ex-couple of Nach Baliye …