The latest developments in Bigg Boss Telugu 7 have sent waves of excitement and speculation among viewers. This week's list of nominees for elimination includes Subhashree, Rathika, Prince Yawar, Tasty Teja, Priyanka Jain, and Gautham Krishna. Based on the most recent voting trends, Rathika Rose appears to be the likely elimination candidate from Bigg Boss Telugu 7. With Rathika becoming …
Telugu's superstar Nagarjuna, who hosted three seasons of 'Bigg Boss Telugu', recently concluded the fifth season of the reality show. It is reported that 'Bigg Boss Telugu OTT 1' will go on floors in February 2022. On the other hand, the makers of 'Bigg Boss Telugu Live' or 'Bigg Boss Telugu OTT 1' are working on the casting for the …