After long wait and anticipation, the mega pan-India project Kalki 2898 AD trailer featuring Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Deepika Padukone was released recently. While fans showered love on the promo, director Sandeep Reddy Vanga, who delivered a blockbuster in December last year with Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, revealed that he saw the trailer twice. FDFS pakka.” In the recent …
A selfie point near the Line of Control in Kashmir has become a major attraction for tourists as it allows them to capture the mesmerising beauty of Uri's remote border region and offers a panoramic view of the Jhelum river, officials said here. The INDIA selfie point provides visitors with an engaging environment symbolising a sense of nationalism in the …
Digitalization has become the keyword in the mind of millennials and today young entrepreneurs are working towards building the brand using various digital tools. With this perspective, the two digital industry experts Vivek Kumar Nagi and Satyam Soni are empowering different businesses to grow their brand. Looking into the journey of Satyam Soni Satyam Soni, the founder of Western Panda …