Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s 2018 film Stree set new standards for horror comedies in Bollywood. After Tamannaah Bhatia’s sultry moves in the soothing Aaj Ki Raat, makers have now dropped the second track titled Aayi Nai. Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in Stree 2 song Aayi Nai Shraddha and Rajkummar with Abhishek and Aparshakti in Stree 2 song Aayi …
Salman Khan has released the first song of his upcoming production venture Notebook. Titled Nai Lagda, the romantic track features Pratun and Zaheer Iqbal and, we must it looks interesting all the way. Taking to Twitter, Salman Khan shared Notebook Nai Lagda Song with a caption that read, “Presenting the first song from #Notebook, #NaiLagda. The lead actress Pranutan is …
Notebook, in its presentation and story, is miles away from anything we are seeing in Bollywood these days. And on Thursday, as Notebook’s first song Nai Lagda came out, it just added to the mood. Notebook song Nai Lagda features Pranutan and Zaheer Iqbal. Titled Nai Lagda from Notebook, the song has been composed by Vishal Mishrain and sung by …