Veteran actors Jeetendra and Rakesh Roshan proved age is just a number as they lit up the dance floor during Jeetendra's 50th wedding anniversary celebration. A video of the two grooving to the classic song Naino Mein Sapna has gone viral. Amid all the beautiful moments from the grand celebrations, a dance sequence featuring Jeetendra and Rakesh recreating the hook …
Virat Kohli has always been a lively and fun character on the field, whether the cricketing action is in full swing or not. A video capturing this fun interaction quickly went viral, where Kohli was seen playfully teasing Harbhajan for his outfit. — Star Sports December 14, 2024 Not missing a chance to add some entertainment, Kohli broke into …
With all the shows coming back to their place slowly and steadily, reality show Dance Deewane has also been entertaining the viewers. Judged by Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit, Tushar Kalia and Dharmesh Yelande, the show's auditions took place online due to COVID-19 pandemic. In the same the beautiful actress who is known for her dance skills and expressions is seen …