A sequel to Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor-starrer horror comedy Stree is likely to go on floors next year with the same cast. Stree, also featuring Pankaj Tripathi and Aparshakti Khurana, was one of the most commercially-successful and critically-acclaimed films of 2018. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film was set in small town of Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, where an evil spirit named …
Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor's Stree was intended to be a quirky tale that could do reasonable business, but little did the makers know that the film will turn out to be a huge hit at the box office. On its tenth day, Stree made Rs 9.88 crore, bringing its total collection to Rs 82.29 crore. As Monday was the …
Nale Ba, the myth on which Stree is reportedly based on, is an urban legend about a witch who would go from door to door, killing people with magic The teaser of Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao-starrer Stree is out and it gives a big hint about what the story might be based on. As the teaser begins with the …