Nalgonda: Unidentified people stole ₹20 lakh from a State Bank of India ATM in Damaracherla by forcibly breaking open its cash chest in the early hours of Saturday. According to initial reports, the suspects, wearing monkey caps, entered the ATM centre around 1.30 am. The Criminal Law Enforcement Under Supervision team collected evidence from the ATM, while a canine squad …
Nalgonda: Fraudsters are always on the lookout for gullible persons to make money cheating them. According to superintendent of police Sharat Chandra Pawar, the accused — identified as Sheik Shiraj, his son Sheik Aftab and Ram Naresh Yadav, all natives of Katihar in Bihar — got acquainted with Ramoju Rama Chary, a registered medical practitioner, about two years ago when …