The NIA’s fifth chargesheet against the Popular Front of India this month named 12 members of the banned outfit’s national executive council. The central agency has frozen 77 bank accounts, including 37 belonging to the PFI, which were suspected of being “terror funding channels”. The probe has also exposed a trail of PFI’s funding to terror operatives and weapons trainers …
It is October, and it’s been that time of year again when the bookies urge people to discuss who will win the Nobel Prize in Literature. House of cards It finally took over a hundred years of the Nobel Prize in Literature for change to come in the Academy, and only after a scandal. According to the Academy website, nominations …
UN special rapporteur Agnes Callamard will be accompanied to Turkey by Helena Kennedy and Duarte Nuno Vieira. The United Nations human rights office has said that a team of international experts would conduct an inquiry into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Agnes Callamard, UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions told Reuters news agency on Thursday …