Next Diwali, car buyers in India can look forward to driving budget-friendly vehicles with advanced artificial intelligence-powered features. Major automakers such as Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, and Maruti Suzuki are expected to roll out models under ₹10 lakh equipped with generative AI-powered connected telematics, chipmakers and industry stakeholders told Mint.
With the new update, users will be able to correctly distinguish beaches and deserts from lakes, rivers, oceans and ravines. Google is working on bringing visual enhancements to the Maps which will help users know more about the area they plan on visiting in real life or exploring via their screens. Using high-definition satellite imagery, Maps has made “more comprehensive …
Google Maps is getting a redesign that will detail in the street features and help distinguish between natural features in the environment, whether they’re mountainous ice caps, deserts, beaches, or dense forests. “We’re rolling out new visual improvements that bring even more detail and granularity to the map, making it easier to understand what an area looks like whether you’re …