Jaishankar was addressing the inaugural session of the India-Japan Forum. The event was also attended by different Japanese dignataries including Yoshimasa Hayashi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Friday said that Japan is an “exemplary moderniser” and that the country has unleashed the self-reliance revolution in India. The event was also attended by different …
It has been a long road from the first European Union -India Summit in 2000 to the virtual India-EU leaders meeting in 2021, which saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacting with the 27 EU leaders as well as presidents of the European Council and the European Commission last week. The most significant outcome of the summit was that after eight …
CNN — In an effort to fight climate change, the Central African Forest Initiative announced Sunday that Gabon will be paid $150 million in international funds to preserve its rainforest. “The 150 million US dollars agreement announced today between Gabon and Norway via the Central African forest initiative is historic in many ways. The country also hosts more than 50% …