Actress Nausheen Ali Sardar, who is best known for her show Kkusum, revealed that matchmaker Sima Taparia refused to find a groom for her because she was Muslim. Taparia rose to fame with the Netflix show Indian Matchmaking, which saw her lend her services to several couples in India and abroad. So they thought of approaching Sima Aunty, the famous …
Zeshan B On 'Melismatic' And Creating Music That Champions Brown Power Enlarge this image toggle caption Courtesy of the artist Courtesy of the artist Zeshan Bagewadi is in many ways, a classic soul singer. Sponsor Message NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro spoke to Zeshan Bagewadi about his own activist music, as well as his thoughts on the recent protest movement against police …
The next morning, while we were having breakfast, I received a call from Nausheen baji’s son : “Uncle! My nephew was driving the car, I was in the passenger seat, and Nausheen baji was in the backseat, carefully holding her baby grandson in her lap. We were en route when I heard Nausheen baji pipe up, “Do you guys reckon …
A group of activists and lawyers wrote to the Karnataka human rights commission on Thursday, demanding action against Mangaluru City commissioner of police and other officials for police action that led to the deaths of two people during anti-Citizenship Amendment Act protests in the city on 19 December. A group of activists and lawyers wrote to the Karnataka human rights …
The right to life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India would include the right of young children to live with their mother and the right of a husband to consortium with his wife, held the Delhi High Court while quashing 'Leave India Notice' served on a Pakistan citizen, who is the wife of an Indian citizen and a …