Mohammad Faisal, a Rajasthan based lawyer, has accused the Uttar Pradesh Police of wrongful arrest during the ongoing anti-CAA protests in the state. Faisal, a lawyer based out of Kota district in Rajasthan, has claimed that he had visited Uttar Pradesh's Shamli to help people involved in anti-CAA protests, who were falsely implicated by the UP Police. While speaking to …
The recent Bulandshahr violence that claimed the lives of a policeman and a 20-year-old man was a "targeted attempt" to "instil fear" in the Muslim community, an umbrella organisation of human rights bodies claimed Sunday and demanded a Supreme Court-monitored probe into it. The "fact-finding" team member Manoj Singh, of the All India People's Forum, claimed the way a purported …
As per reports, Federation for Human Rights urged the government of Puducherry to introduce “Human Rights Curriculum” in the school curriculum in the Union Territory. Links with organizations linked to ‘Urban Naxals’ The organization also appears to have participated in the inaugural conference of the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners, an organization with intimate links to alleged Naxals, …