Dennis Novak played his part well, especially along with Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan, to help Delhi Binny’s Brigade to a 42-38 victory over Pune Jaguars in the fifth edition of the Tennis Premier League at the Shiv Chatrapati Sports Complex on Tuesday. The 30-year-old Novak, ranked 165, won his singles match against Lucas Rosol 13-7, before partering Jeevan for a thrilling 11-9 …
After enduring hard quarantine for two weeks in Singapore, where he was negative for coronavirus all the time, Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan is back on the professional Tour, competing in the Orlando Challenger in the US. Even though he was disillusioned, as he could not "even step out for fresh air", during the hard quarantine, when a fellow passenger in the flight …
Jeevan firmly believes that winning against a weaker opponent would not take anything away from his debut. New Delhi: Playing Davis Cup at the age of 30 is not a step forward for Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan but he still feels it will be a “special week” in his tennis journey when he faces Pakistan. It’s any player’s dream to represent the …