Boney Kapoor and the team of Nerkonda Paarvai have gone full throttle in promoting the upcoming Ajith film. Now, the makers of the film are all set to release another song from the film, Agalaathey, which is touted to be a romantic number between Ajith and Vidya Balan. The Dirty Picture actress is paired opposite Ajith in the film and …
Producer Boney Kapoor recently saw the rushes of his debut Tamil production venture Nerkonda Paarvai. #NerkondaPaaravai #Ajithkumar Boney Kapoor April 10, 2019 Ajith and Sridevi acted together in the film English Vinglish, in which Thala played a cameo. After Nerkonda Paarvai, Boney Kapoor will again team up with Ajith for another film, which will also be directed by H Vinoth. …