Producer Boney Kapoor has confirmed actor Ajith Kumar will play a police officer in his second Tamil production venture, "Valimai", which is slated to go on floors this week. Speaking at an award ceremony in Chennai on Sunday, Kapoor said: " 'Valimai' shoot will begin on December 13. "Valimai" marks Boney Kapoor's second collaboration with Ajith after "Nerkonda Paarvai", the …
Producer Boney Kapoor has confirmed actor Ajith Kumar will play a police officer in his second Tamil production venture, Valimai, which is slated to go on floors this week. Valimai marks Boney Kapoor's second collaboration with Ajith after Nerkonda Paarvai, the Tamil remake of Pink. H. Vinoth, who had directed Nerkonda Paarvai, will also direct Valimai. Watch the official trailer …
After Nerkonda Paarvai's stupendous success, Ajith has teamed up with the same team for his next film. However, the rest of the crew including director H Vinoth, Boney Kapoor, composer Yuvan Shankar Raja, cinematographer Nirav Shah and several others attended the pooja and prayed for a great beginning. Here are the photos from Valimai pooja: It looks like Ajith and …
Ajith's upcoming flick, Nerkonda Paarvai is all set to release in a record number of screens on August 8. The film, directed by H Vinoth, also marks producer Boney Kapoor's debut production venture in Kollywood. After the screening, there was a Q & A session, where Boney Kapoor opened up about his second film with Ajith, which is tentatively titled …