Ajith’s latest release Nerkonda Paarvai has opened to packed houses in Chennai city. Nerkonda Paarvai box office collection day 1: The remake of Hindi film Pink has earned ₹ 1.58 cr in Chennai. Tweeting about the film, Kaushik wrote: “Breaking : #Thala #Ajith’s #NerKondaPaarvai Day1 Chennai city gross is a humongous 1.58 CR. Normal working Thursday release - 2019’s best …
Journalist-turned-actor Rangaraj Pandey is receiving praise from the critics for his performance in recently-released film Nerkonda Paarvai. Nerkonda Paarvai has hit the screens today and the fans of Ajith Kumar have gone gaga over it on social media. When asked about his popular interview of singer Chinmayi, which stirred up a controversy, Pandey said that the lack of legal complaint …