2019 has been a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Six major films have grossed more than Rs 100 crore each in worldwide theatrical takings, with Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil leading the way. The six films in the century grossers club are Superstar Rajinikanth’s Petta, Thala Ajith’s Viswasam, Nerkonda Paarvai, Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3, Bigil and Kaithi. The cumulative total worldwide theatrical …
Thala Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai has dethroned holdover Hollywood hit Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw to become the top-grossing film in Tamil Nadu for the weekend of 9-11 August Thala Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai has dethroned holdover Hollywood hit Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw to become the top-grossing film in Tamil Nadu for the weekend of 9-11 August. …
The official Tamil remake of Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu-starrer Pink, Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai has impressed fans across the globe, collecting $1 million world over. Don’t miss this edge of the seat drama running successfully in cinemas.” Ajith essays the role of a lawyer, played by Amitabh Bachchan in Pink, in his latest film Nerkonda Paarvai. As per Hindustan Times’ …
Thala Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai is releasing in primary screens across Chennai from 8 August, and is expected to revive the momentum for Tamil films in the city Thala Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai is releasing in primary screens across Chennai from 8 August, and will take over the lion’s share of shows. With a good second weekend total of Rs 2.75 crore, …
Tamil actor Ajith’s passion for cars and bikes is well known. The actor took part in the state-level rifle championship in Coimbatore over the weekend. The actor, whose new film Nerkonda Paarvai will release on August 8 this year, has been training hard for the championship, putting in months of practice. His film Nerkonda Paarvai, which is a Tamil remake …