The trailer for Ajith’s upcoming Pongal release, Valimai, is out. In an interview with The Hindu, director Vinoth said, “As the subject features bikes prominently, we started researching and stumbled upon the story of how late CM Jayalalithaa directly appointed a racer as a policeman. We have taken that one incident as a small inspiration for Valimai.” Earlier this month, …
Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu-starrer Pink, directed by Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury, was a blockbuster venture that spoke about women's consent and safety in the country. Director Venu Sriram, who has signed a film titled ICON with Allu Arjun, has been brought on board to direct the Telugu remake. taran adarsh November 2, 2019 Since Allu Arjun will kickstart his next …
Boney Kapoor and the team of Nerkonda Paarvai have gone full throttle in promoting the upcoming Ajith film. Now, the makers of the film are all set to release another song from the film, Agalaathey, which is touted to be a romantic number between Ajith and Vidya Balan. The Dirty Picture actress is paired opposite Ajith in the film and …
Thala Ajith Kumar is considered as a massive superstar down south. Thala Ajith is back with a bang as the superstar stepped into Amitabh Bachchan shoes and is all set to release the trailer of Nerkonda Paarvai alongside Vidya Balan. The first poster of Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai looked every bit enormous and promising. This film is quite special for both …
The Tamil remake of Bollywood’s critically acclaimed blockbuster film Pink has been titled as _Nerkonda Paarva_i. As I have seen the original version Pink, I can firmly say that there can’t be a better title other than Nerkonda Paarvai for the Tamil remake. Now, the title Nerkonda Paarvai starring one of Tamil cinema’s leading stars Ajith, is also a phrase …