The Bharat Rashtra Samithi has demanded that the Congress government in Telangana announce a relief of ₹25,000 per acre to farmers whose crops have withered and were abandoned due to lack of water for irrigation despite efforts to protect crops by sinking new borewells as also those suffered crop loss due to untimely rain, hails and gales. Several farmers of …
The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board has imposed a moratorium on drilling new borewells in areas served by the Cauvery water till May-end. According to the circular, it was decided to not even take applications for new borewells in areas served by the Cauvery water till May and only exempted government buildings from this moratorium. “Despite a ban on …
Bengaluru's water shortage has been a hotly debated topic for some time. BWSSB has also shown it means business by warning those who don't opt for rain water harvesting that it will reduce their supply of Cauvery water, after hefty fines didn’t deter rule-breakers. “Earlier we got water within a 100 feet of digging into the earth, but this is …