BJP leader Amit Malviya said he will file criminal and civil proceedings against news website The Wire over reports that the Saffron Party leader had special privileges to take down Instagram posts. “After consultation with my lawyers and seeking their advise, I have decided to file criminal and civil proceedings, against ‘The Wire.’ Not only will I be setting the …
A young Swedish rapper who was murdered on Thursday night on the streets of Stockholm has been seen in a final video mining a throat-slitting motion, just hours before he was shot dead 'execution style'. Rapper Einar, whose real name was Nils Kurt Erik Einar Grönberg, was shot in the head and chest in the port of Hammarby Sjöstad, according …
The Ghaziabad Police booked Twitter, news website The Wire, besides some journalists and Congress leaders over circulation of a video in which an elderly Muslim man says he was thrashed and asked to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’ on 5 June. The Ghaziabad Police has sent a notice to the Twitter India Managing Director, asking him to join a probe in …